Microsoft Teams


Why the Office 365 Group Expiration Policy Needs Help

It is nice to have an Azure Active Directory Expiration Policy for Office 365 Groups, but it’s not so good that the policy functions exclusively based on age. Another problem is that administrators have no way of knowing when groups will expire. So we take out PowerShell, write a script, and hey presto, we have a report. We still need to solve the problem of creating a policy that functions based on activity rather than age, but that’s another day’s work.

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Everything You Need to Know About Office 365 — March 2018

Tons of Spring Updates in the Office 365 space to cover this month. As always, it will be the news you need with the two cents you don’t.

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Why PowerShell is a Core Skill for Office 365 Administrators

PowerShell is a critical skill for Office 365 tenant administrators. A knowledge of PowerShell allows you to fix things that Microsoft leaves undone in apps like Exchange Online, SharePoint Online, and Teams. Sure, black holes exist for PowerShell (like Planner) and it is slow to process thousands of objects, but there’s nothing like a little script for getting things done.

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The Ball is in Microsoft’s Court To Capitalize on Teams

Microsoft’s Teams is off to a strong start but the company needs to be aggressive with feature deployment and not become complacent upon its success.

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The Evolution of Microsoft’s Collaboration Story for Office 365

Since Office 365 appeared in 2011, Microsoft’s collaboration story has varied according to whatever technology is available. Originally based on Exchange and SharePoint, it’s gone through Yammer, Office 365 Groups, and now Teams. You’d be forgiven for being confused by the frequent changes in the strategy du jour. And now we have inner and outer loops to consider, at least according to Microsoft’s favorite collaboration slide. Here’s my take.

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Microsoft Begins Testing Teams PWA

Even though Teams only turned one this week, the company has begun testing a PWA version of the platform with a small group of users.

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Monitoring the Removal of Office 365 Groups (and Teams)

Owners of Office 365 Groups can delete groups if they want. Some don’t like this as it means that SharePoint site collections, teams, and plans are removed. The simple membership model used by Office 365 Groups is the cause, and while you cannot stop owners deleting their groups, you can take action to detect and recover deleted groups if necessary.

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Microsoft Details Teams Feature Roadmap

Microsoft has unveiled the features roadmap for its Teams platform which includes further Cortana integration, Cloud recording and a lot more.

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Common Questions About Teams Guest Access

Office 365 now supports external access to Teams for guests with any email address, a development that creates some questions in the minds of those who might want to add guests from non-Office 365 domains. In this article, I try and answer some common questions that you might have about guest access.

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How a Free Version of Teams Might Work

Microsoft might be working on a free version of Teams to take on Slack. As it turns out, not many technical changes are needed to transform the full enterprise version of Teams as available inside Office 365 into a limited version that Microsoft can make available for free, leveraging its existing consumer office services like Outlook and OneDrive.

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